Saturday, April 14, 2012

New York connections

My youngest brother and his wife came to the opening of the TSA show.  They've been coming regularly and really love seeing the huge variety of art.  My sister-in-law then sent photos of my two pieces to our family with detailed descriptions.  I'm still amazed that people like or value my work.  I've had several great responses.  A cousin who lives in New York felt a strong connection between the drawing and a restaurant that is special to her and her partner.  She took the time to go there and take a photograph to send to me -- of the bathroom ceiling.  Amazing of her to do that!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

TSA Open House

These are my two pieces for the show -- one per class.


Acrylic on canvas, 16 x 12 inches

Open Window

Charcoal on paper, 38.5 x 39 inches.

Colour & Composition week 12

We had our last class and critique this week.  I think I'll repeat this class with this teacher because I learned so much from her.  Here's what I did in class.  I've worked more on the painting at home and will be putting it in the term-end Open House.